Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for...

  1. Chocolate - sometimes it makes everything better
  2. The rain we receives yesterday - it wasn't enough but its a start.
  3. E-book loans from the library
  4. The help and support of new friends
  5. Reconnecting with old friends.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

In honor of the rain

In honor of the rain that finally fell today...

The barren ground laps eagerly at the moisture falling softly from the sky.
Plants and trees breathe in deep and flex their roots as they are nourished from above.
And the wildlife ventures out to play and glory in the rains sensing they wont stay long.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014




Deity Name
Ishtar, Light of the World, Leaders of Hosts, Opener of Wombs, Righteous Judge, Lawgiver, Goddess of Goddesses, Bestower of Strength, Framer of All Decrees, Lady of Victory, Forgiver of Sins, Torch of Heaven and Earth.– Also known as: Ishara, Istar, Istaru, Aschtar, Aschtart, Geschtinanna, Nins-Anna.  She is the counterpart to the Sumerian goddess Inanna, and is also linked to Astarte, Arinna, Tanit and Anna
Native Origins
Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian – her holy city was Uruk, town of the Sacred Courtesans.  It is said that she originated as Inanna among the Summerians and was adopted by the Babylonians and Assyrians and became Ishtar. 
Day of the week
Flowers and Herbs
reeds – symbol of fertility, rose
Fragrances and Incenses
Crystals and Gemstones
Sacred Stone is Lapis Lazuli
Apple, wheat,
While she is often linked with erotic passion and is mother and lady of light and therefore could be called upon at Midsummer and also with Ostara, her role as luminal goddess and one who journey’s to the underworld would perhaps see her best called upon at Samhain.
Ishtar is a mother/fertility goddess, but she is also lover and warrior
Favored Offerings
Oil, Wine and things made with lapis, symbols of fertility and light
Detail at least one Myth & Legend about your chosen deity
The descent of Ishtar is perhaps the most popular myth regarding the goddess, although there is quite a bit of uncertainty regarding the various alterations that take place throughout the myth over time.  The key aspects of the myth that remain true throughout all versions are that Ishtar descends to the land of the dead which is ruled by her sister Ereskeigal.  In order to be allowed entry she was required to remove an item at each of the seven gates (crown, earrings, necklace, breast ornaments, girdle, anklets and bracelets, loincloth, until she stood naked and free of all accouterments as she passed through the final gates.  Ishtar was then held captive or killed and while she was so fertility was removed from the land.  The gods then demanded her return to the earth that it may be fertile again and Ereskeigal gave up Ishtar and allowed her to return to the world, regaining all her possessions as she passed through each gate. 

The myth of Ishtar’s descent is very similar in many ways to the story of Persephone and Demeter as it tells of the variations in the seasons.  There is a further alteration of the myth that states that Ishtar as descending in search of her lover Tammuz and yet another that states that when she returned she found Tammuz ruling rather than mourning and so she sent him down in her place and therefore he was only her consort for ½ the year which gives the fertility of the seasons.  The key here is the link between the goddess Ishtar and fertility.

Links have also been made between the 7 gates and the 7 chakras, that each item and gate is linked to a particular chakra.  What I find important is that Ishtar had to remove from herself all her worldly power and symbols and present herself naked and humble and in her trials within the land of the Dead she was reborn and able to emerge renewed into the world and into the power she possess.