Friday, August 16, 2013

Free Friday

I recently found a bunch of Haiku poems that I had done many years ago so I thought I'd post some of them here.

Rains gently nourish
flowers spring towards the light
hope is born anew

Fire burns so brightly
through the window of my soul
hope awakes from sleep

Thunder breaks silence
Rains pound upon the tin roof
Cold sinks its claws deep

Emotions grow so slowly
Like the flower beginning to bloom
healing my wounded heart

Once more justice fails
melting souls of innocence
shattering like glass

Open your soul child
Remember the lesson taught
And let your joy sound

Through the path of mists
a lantern your only light
learn the ways of old

Many paths are shown
Some with lights and some with thorns
Which one will you choose

Death is not the end
For each new seed is sown
Guarded by a star

Lavender is burnt
as the stones are softly cast
Past, Present, Future

Faeries drink the wine
dancing among the rosehip
in the evening breeze

Rain falls gently down
under the sacred rowan
a river is born

Weep for the beauty
of mother earths gentle touch
and the joy of spring

Roses bloom like fire
The willow sways in the breeze
witness the sacred

© All original content copyright Julie Grucza, 2012-2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for...
  1. Watermelon on a hot summers day
  2. When the deltas kick up and help cool the night off
  3. Access to fresh fruit and vegetables
  4. Remaking old connections
  5. Hugs - because they're just awesome :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Theological Tuesday - Travelling the Shadow

Swiftly comes the darkest night
Sliding in behind the fading light
And with it each shadow grows
Calling us into the unknown

Carefully we light a flame
In hopes that it will clear our way
Yet why is it we are so afraid of the dark
Of venturing into the secret places of the heart

If we insist in always remaining in the light
We but add power to our darker sides
Instead perhaps what should be

Is to journey into the darkness, and learn to see

© All original content copyright Julie Grucza, 2012-2013

I am always at a bit of a loss as to why, when dealing with ideas of shadow working etc why it is that there is so much insistence of going into our shadow selves to bring it to the light.  I get that our shadow is definitely residence to many issues that people need to learn to work through, but I find the idea that it needs to be fixed and brought into the light a little strange, are we not a balance of light and dark?  I haven't done a lot of shadow work myself, I'm a novice in this area, and maybe I'm missing what the people who claim such truly mean.  It would seem to me though, that given the many mythologies across numerous cultures that deal with the idea of travelling to the underworld in order to gain knowledge, know oneself, and so forth are not about conquering the darkness with the light, but rather about travelling through the darkness, eyes wide, becoming aware and learning the truth in order to be able to reemerge back into the light.  They do not destroy the darkness, they go to complete their particular journey and return.  I believe we don't just travel this path once, heal ourselves and all is light and sunshine and daisies, I believe we make this decent over and over, learning each time, becoming comfortable with this aspect of ourselves, growing with each journey.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Musings

For me this quote is less about avoiding the unpleasant moments and more about avoiding what is best for us because we are trained to think that all the social normative behaviors must be met first.  I know I can’t possibly be the only person who suffers from that issue of finding the most important things so easy to cast off because it is deemed unimportant.  It is so simple to think that taking those few minutes to ground and focus must be cast aside because the dishes need doing, or that scrubbing the bathtub will make me far more satisfied with my day than taking 5 minutes to meditate.  We cast these centering ‘me’ time activities off because we feel that our daily accomplishments must have some physical sign of having been completed when really, the worst day, the one that has you wanting to sit in a corner and rock back and forth is made better not by avoiding it, nor by completing something off that list of chores that never grows shorter, but by taking time to be in the moment, to be ourselves, to connect to whatever it is we connect with.