Make yourself comfortable and relax. Breathe slowly and deeply. Allow your mind to drift as you look upon the candle flame flickering brightly, allow the flames to sweep you away…
You find yourself standing in a clearing, your breath forms before you in the cold as you look around.
Blankets of snow cover the hard earth, the trees that surround you bare their leafless limbs and a biting wind brings sound to your ears, a metallic ringing can be heard in the distance.
You set out to follow the sound, each step shifts the snow around your feet as you huddle within your layers for warmth.
As you draw nearer the sound you see ahead of you a flickering light, with each step a shape emerges before you, it is a large wood and stone structure, strange within the barren land surrounding you yet you feel yourself drawn to the glow emanating from within.
As you draw closer you see that the light is in fact the fires of a forge blazing bright. Standing beside the forge you see a woman, tall and strong her bright auburn hair is tied back in a braid, and her green dress glows in the fires flames.
As you watch you are surrounded by a sense of warmth, caring and peace, you realize who it is that stands before you, it is the goddess Brigid, creatrix, warrior, healer.
You watch as she works her creation into form, hammering away at the gleaming metal until she finally melds it to her will.
She turns to you and holds forth her creation, the bronze glowing a brightly as the sun, you look upon the item she presents, it is her message to you, remember it to think upon later.
Stepping aside Brigid beckons you forth towards the flames, you gladly step closer to their warmth. Now it is your turn she states, now is the time for you to create your vision, your new beginning, what is it you wish to bring to fruition?
You gaze into the flames pondering your answer and as you do you see your vision begin to unfold before you and with the encouragement of Brigid’s hand on your shoulder you feed your desire into the flames focusing on that which is unfolding within.
With each breathe your vision strengthens, you see your dream become reality and you are infused with a sense of encouragement, possibility and pride, you know that within you lies the strength to forge this change.
Turning towards the goddess you seek her guidance asking of her the wisdom needed to make this new journey, listen well…..
Turning back toward the forge you watch as the goddess claims your vision and with gentle care releases it into the universe before biding you farewell.
You turn back towards the path you trod, bundling yourself once more in preparation for the winter cold as you step forth from the forges grounds you notice a single crocus blooming in the winter snow, with a smile and a lighter heart you realize that it is indeed time for new beginnings and step forth with greater determination each step bringing you gently back to consciousness.
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