Monday, June 11, 2012

Meditative Monday

As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.

I can't say how important keeping this in mind has been of late.  I have always been a loner child - circumstances, behavior whatever the cause I have never had a great many friends.  I don't trust easily and therefore I don't build friendships easily.  I am not a social butterfly, it really isn't in my nature.  In the past couple of years I've tried to branch out on the friend thing.  I had gone through a serious case of depression and I felt that I needed to stop hiding in my cave and start forcing myself to make friends.  Some good came from this.  I did indeed meet a handful of amazing people who I truly hold as friends, people who I know I could tell my darkest secrets to and not be judged.  Sadly, I have also met with a lot of pain, and a lot of stress.  Trying to keep up friendships that aren't genuine is tiresome and really not worth the effort.  At some point you realize that you're putting far more into it all than they are and that, if not dealt with quickly, can lead to messy situations.  I am learning that my time is valuable, that I am valuable and that if people can't meet me half way on the whole friendship thing, then they aren't worth it.

1 comment:

  1. {{{Hugs}}} I understand what you mean but I am glad to have found you :) and never worry about being in your cave - real friends will be there to welcome you back no matter how long you hide - we even pop in the cave to check on you ;)

    Take care and lots of hugs x
